Why has the poem by medieval poet Dante Alighieri, considered the best work of European literature of all-time, remained the most read and popular around the world for centuries? The authors of the theatre play based on “The Divine Comedy” say that the aura of this timeless masterpiece is informed by its emotional power of suggestion.

On his way through “Hell” and “Purgatory” to “Paradise”, where his beloved Beatrice awaits him, Dante, who is led by Virgil, meets dozens of characters who tell him their stories. These stories based on real facts and legends make Dante think of the mistakes he has made and the sins he has committed, remember his friends and enemies, and reassess his own life and work.

This human side to the poem is the driving force of the play directed by Eimuntas Nekrošius. The stories of human lives, full of love, passion, pain, gentle humour and subtle irony, created by the director allow the viewer to enter Dante’s magical underworld located not somewhere far away, but in the depths of the soul of every one of us.

Role Divine messenger

Director Eimuntas Nekrošius

Production Theatre Meno fortas

Premiere 2012 04 26, Vilnius
