12 GRAMS NORTH (2019)
Theatre play 12 Grams North will take you to over two hours of music, lights, movement and and intense action and words flow. At the same time the play raises existential questions and allows us to re-evalute our values and choices.
Role - Martynas. Winner of the Golden Stage Cross award, Best supporting actor, 2020.
Photographs: Dmitrij Matvejev / Baltijos fotografijos linija
Dramaturgy and director Aleksandr Špilevoj
Set design Barbora Šulniūtė
Costume design Rūta Lendraitytė Utalla
Movement Greta Grinevičiūtė
Composer and live performance Black Water
Master of lights Vilius Vilutis
Actors Indrė Patkauskaitė, Paulius Markevičius, Gintarė Latvėnaitė, Tomas Rinkūnas
Premiere 2019 05 30, Vilnius
Producer Vilnius small theatre