PLUTO (2020)

"X," a play by British writer Alistair McDowall, is set in the near future, in a space station. Despite its sci-fi setting, McDowall describes "X" as a story about people and their relationships. The characters face intense loneliness, searching for connection and love in the vastness of space.

The play is performed in the Museum of Ethnocosmology, giving the audience a unique experience and a sense of space travel and isolation.

Dramaturgy Allistair McDowall

Director Paulius Markevičius

Compoer Andrius Šiurys

Set design Bartė Liagaitė

Costume design Sandra Vasilevskaitė

Master of lights Julius Kuršis

Actors Greta Grinevičiūtė, Marija Petravičiūtė, Simonas Dovidauskas, Laurynas Jurgelis, Gediminas Rimeika, Vygandas Vadeiša

Premiere 2020 02 21, Molėtai

Producer Rusnė Kregždaitė

Production Art and science laboratory

Photographs: Dainius Putinas


MIRAGE (2020)


12 GRAMS NORTH (2019)